Carduus Marianus QCarduus Marianus (milk thistle) Q, homoeopathic mother tincture acts mainly on the liver, portal system, varicose veins and also on the spleen and other organs where the liver is mainly affected. It is helpful in liver disorders including enlarged liver, jaundice, constipation and haemorrhages;...
- From Rs.340.00
- From Rs.340.00
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Chelidonium Majus QA prominent liver remedy; used in enlarged Liver; Jaundice and colic due to the gallstones are certain indications. Chelidonium majus Q (Mother tincture) acts mainly on the hepato-biliary system i.e. on the liver; gallbladder; bile duct etc. Chelidonium majus Q relieves the constant pain...
- From Rs.340.00
- From Rs.340.00
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Chionanthus Virginica QChionanthus virginica Q acts especially on the liver and gall bladder. It is used in sore; enlarged liver with jaundice. This remedy is indicated in gallstones. It is helpful in a periodical, frontal and sick headaches. This homoeopathic mother tincture is used to decrease...
- From Rs.720.00
- From Rs.720.00
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CT-37 (HEPTOVIL)What is HEPTOVIL? HEPTOVIL is composed of tissue salts. Dr Schuessler’s Biochemic salts have a great importance in homeopathy and are specially formulated homeopathic micro doses which support healing processes in the body by regulating tissue salts level in the cells. HEPTOVIL tablets supports...
- From Rs.260.00
- From Rs.260.00
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HEPALGIN SYRUPMasood’s Hepalgin syrup improves liver function due to its hepato-protective properties. Indicated in structural and functional distress of liver parenchyma. Effective in curing acute, infective and toxic hepatitis. Improves post hepatitis status. Also works as an adjuvant in chronic liver diseases. Presentation: 120ml bottle.
- Rs.270.00
- Rs.270.00
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HR-02 (ICTERON)Dr. Masood Homoeopathic Pharma's Icteron HR-02 is effective to improve liver and gall bladder functions and their associated symptoms. Hr-02 is Used in Hepatomegaly and in structural changes of the liver. Indicated in Jaundice and hepatitis. Masood's Hr2 is useful homoeopathic medicine in Gall...
- Rs.490.00
- Rs.490.00
- Unit price
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HR-27 (HEPAREG)HR-27 is good for liver disorders and its associated symptoms. Indicated in burning and stinging pains across the liver region. Effective in jaundice with paleness of skin. Good for digestive issues such as indigestion, constipation and heart burn. Useful for liver abscess and intestinal...
- Rs.210.00
- Rs.210.00
- Unit price
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