Diarrhea can cause significant dehydration and other complications if not properly addressed. Therefore, parents must take proactive steps to safeguard their children. This blog offers detailed strategies to prevent diarrhea in children during the monsoon season.
Types of diarrhea:
There are three primary types of diarrhea:
Acute Watery Diarrhea: This occurs when an excessive amount of water enters the bowels, typically lasting a few hours to a few days.
Motility-Related Diarrhea: This type is associated with abdominal pain and cramping.
Inflammatory Diarrhea: Characterized by abdominal pain, fever, and tenderness, this type may also involve intestinal bleeding.
Understanding the Causes of Diarrhea:
During the rainy season (monsoon), the likelihood of developing diarrhea increases due to various factors.
Contaminated Water Sources:
High humidity and heavy rainfall can contaminate water sources, leading to the spread of harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites that cause stomach infections.
Food Spoilage:
Bacteria and mold thrive in the rainy season, making food more prone to spoilage. Consuming spoiled food can lead to food poisoning and diarrhea.
Poor Hygiene Practices:
Diarrheal diseases often spread due to inadequate hygiene practices. Maintaining cleanliness and good hygiene is crucial during this time to prevent illness.
Water Safety:
Drinking contaminated water is a major risk factor for developing diarrhea. Ensuring that drinking water is safe.
Vit D effects:
Taking large doses of vitamin D can lead to elevated calcium levels, which may cause stomach pain, loss of appetite, constipation, or diarrhea.
Viral infection:
A viral ear infection can cause fever, nasal congestion, coughing, malaise, appetite loss, and gastrointestinal symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea.
Diarrhea symptoms:
- The primary symptom is having three or more loose or watery bowel movements in a day.
- Many people experience cramping and discomfort in the abdomen.
- There may be a sudden and urgent need to go to the toilet.
- There might be blood or mucus in the stool, indicating a more serious infection or condition.
- Ongoing diarrhea can cause weight lose and weakness due to dehydration and nutrient loss.
Importance of hydration during diarrhea:
Extended episodes of diarrhea or vomiting can lead to significant fluid loss, surpassing the amount the body takes in. This fluid deficit results in dehydration, a condition where the body lacks sufficient fluid to function effectively. Severe dehydration can lead to kidney failure. This condition is especially dangerous for children and the elderly.
Signs of dehydration:
If you are experiencing diarrhea or vomiting, be vigilant for signs of dehydration, such as:
- Thirst
- Less frequent urination than usual
- Dark-colored urine
- Dry skin
- Fatigue
- Light-headedness
- Inability to sweat
These symptoms often indicate advanced dehydration. As soon as diarrhea or vomiting begins, start replenishing lost fluids and essential salts, known as electrolytes.
Role of probiotics in diarrhea:
Probiotic products contain specific microorganisms, such as bacteria or yeast, that are believed to reach the intestines. Once there, they help suppress the harmful germs causing diarrhea and assist the body in combating them. The most well-known probiotics are lactic acid bacteria, also known as lactobacilli.
Dietary changes during diarrhea:
- When experiencing diarrhea, consider consuming foods high in potassium like ripe bananas, apricot or peach nectar, potatoes, fish, and meat. Drink fluids between meals and eat small amounts of food frequently.
- It may be helpful to reduce intake of fatty foods, such as fried items, sauces, gravies, and salad dressings, as well as highly spiced foods, as these may not be well tolerated.
- Avoid foods or juices with a laxative effect, such as prunes and prune juice.
- If you don't regularly consume milk, it's best to avoid it during episodes of diarrhea.
Preventive measures:
To prevent diarrhea, consider the following measures:
Personal Hygiene
- Wash Hands Regularly:
Use soap and water, especially before eating and after using the toilet.
- Use Hand Sanitizers:
When soap and water are not available, use alcohol-based hand sanitizers.
Food Safety
- Eat Well-Cooked Food:
Ensure meat, poultry, and seafood are thoroughly cooked.
- Wash Fruits and Vegetables:
Rinse fresh produce under running water before consumption.
- Avoid Street Food:
Be cautious with street food, especially during travel or in areas with poor sanitation.
Water Safety
- Drink Safe Water:
Use filtered, boiled, or bottled water for drinking and cooking.
- Avoid Ice from Unreliable Sources:
Ensure ice is made from safe water.
Travel Precautions
- Avoid Uncooked Foods:
Refrain from eating raw or undercooked foods when traveling to areas with poor hygiene.
- Use Bottled Water:
Drink bottled water and avoid tap water, including for brushing teeth.
General Health
- Maintain Clean Living Spaces:
Keep your environment clean and sanitary.
- Stay Informed on Vaccinations:
Get vaccinated for diseases that can cause diarrhea, such as rotavirus and cholera.
Adults should seek medical attention immediately if they experience any of the following symptoms:
- Diarrhea lasting more than 2 days
- Fever of 102 degrees or higher
- Frequent vomiting
- Six or more loose stools within 24 hours
- Severe abdominal or rectal pain
- Stools that are black and tarry, or contain blood or pus
- Signs of dehydration
Diarrhea treatment with homeopathic medicine:
Homeopathy is a safe option for managing various health issues in children, including diarrhea or motion treatment. The primary advantage of homeopathic medicines is that they are natural remedies with no side effects, effectively helping the body combat infections naturally. These medicines aid in reducing the frequency of stools and restoring their normal consistency, making them very safe for children.
Dr. Masood Homoeopathic Pharmaceuticals offers several effective homeopathic remedies for diarrhea.
Hr-7 is good for Diarrhea and other stomach issues. Indicated in watery diarrhea and its related symptoms. Effective for bloody piles and burning in anus. Helpful in indigestion and acidity. Good for colic and intestinal spasm.
Masood’s Diarrnol suspension is effective in giving relief from Diarrhoea and Dysentery. Indicated in colic pain with diarrhoea. Restores ionic concentration of the body fluids. Helpful in intestinal catarrh and dysentery.
What is EXUDIA?
EXUDIA is composed of tissue salts. Dr Schuessler’s Biochemic salts have a great importance in homeopathy and are specially formulated homeopathic micro doses which support healing processes in the body by regulating tissue salts level in the cells. EXUDIA is a biochemic combination tablets indicated for diarrhea, thin watery or greenish stool which at a times is involuntary while passing flatus.