56-M, Quaid-e-Azam Industrial Estate, Lahore, Pakistan
Botanical name: Aletris farinosa
Therapeutic Index:
Complementary medicines:
Mother Tinctures: Alfalfa, Ceonothus americanus, China officinalis, Collinsonia canadensis, Damiana a, Fraxinus americana, Janosia asoka, Millefolium, Moringa olifera, Sabina, Salix nigra, Strophanthus hispidus, Trillium pendulum, Ustilago maydis
Biogen: Biogen 1(ANAEMODYN), Biogen 15 (FEMILAN), Biogen 27 (REVITONEX), Biogen 28 (RECOVROMAX)
Combination tablets: CT 1 (ANEMROSIS), CT 15 (BIOPLASMA), CT25 (EUMEN), CT 32 (RESTON), CT 57 (FEMTON)
Heal remedies: HR 21 (FEMINA), HR 33 (HEMOFORM), HR 38 (TOXINA), HR 51 (HARMOVIT-F), HR 79 (REXMENS)
MPW Numbers: MPW 1 (HI-HEM), MPW 22 (DEBIREX)
Syrup: Feminex, Hensel Tonic
Tablets: Enerjizer 1 Tablet Daily, Super Moringa
Biochemic salt: Calcarea phosphorica, Ferrum phosphoricum, Kali phosphoricum, Kali sulphuricum, Magnesia phosphoricum. [Usually prescribed in 6x potency, Dosage: 2 tablets, thrice a day]
Dosage: Tincture to third potency. [To be used as directed by a registered homoeopathic physician.]
Note: Consult your Homeopathic Doctor before taking this medication.